I imagine that I'm rich and famous person ? s . . . .
For a start, I would buy a lot of beautiful fashion clothes, cosmetics, and so on. Secondly, I would have met all the famous personalities, attended various parties. Then I would like to become a traveler - all the time traveling around the world, learning new countries and their cultures. I would also donate a lot of money to people in need.
Yeah , but now , with my status and my money I can't buy all cloyhes which I want , and I don't have enough money for big travells abroad , I can't meet all the famous personalities in reall life . But I can and I donate some money for people in need. And it make me happy better than new cosmetics or fashion clothes . . . .
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Задание 3. Перепечатайте предложения.
1. The restaurant (that will be visited) is closely regulated and watched by government health department
2. There was no place in the city (where he could be offered) a job of executive director.
Измените их используя Infinitive вместо слов в скобках.
1. The restaurant (to be visited) is closely regulated and watched by government health department
2. There was no place in the city for him (to be offered) a job of executive director.
Переведите полученное предложение на русский язык.
1. Ресторан, который надо посетить, строго регулируется и контролируется Государственным департаментом здравоохранения.
2. В городе не нашлось такого места для него, где бы ему предложили должность исполнительного директора.
Нужно посмотреть видео и сделать предложения полными. чтобы дать ответ нужен текст