1 Do parallel worlds exist?
2 When or why can 'the end of the world'
3 What should people do to live up to 150 years?
4 Were first people really 'monkeys'? What is the origin of people? What do you think of the origin of Man?
5 Will computers be able to think like man one day?
6 Will it be possible to travel in time one day?
7 What field of science is the most important to invest more money in it? 8 What were your favourite subjects at
9 Do you think there are other humans in space?
10 What's your opinion of climate change?
ответ:Что такое алимпиала?
Кто берет участие в алимпиадах?
Участвуют ли на них дети?
Хто чаще участвует на алимпиадах?
Какие бывают алимпиала?
В каком году придумали алимпиады?
Где они проходят?
В какую пору года они чаще всего проходят?
Со скольки лет можно ходить на алимпиады?
Бывают ли школьные алимпиады?
Какая самая популярная алимпиала?
Какие бывают алимпиады?
Answer: What is an alimpiala?
Who takes part in the Olympics?
Do children participate?
Who participates more often in the Olympics?
What are the types of championships?
What year did the Olympics come up with?
Where do they go?
What time of the year do they most often take place?
How old can you go to the Olympics?
Are there school Olympiads?
What is the most popular championship?
What are the Olympiads?
1 They're building a new hotel.
A new hotel is being built.
A new hotel's being built.
2 Someone's stolen my bike!
My bike has been stolen!
My bike's been stolen!
3 They're showing a great film at the cinema this week.
A great film is being shown at the cinema this week.
A great film's being shown...
4 They've told us to bring a picnic.
We have been told to bring a picnic.
We've been told to bring a picnic.
5 Someone is teaching the children to swim.
The children are being taught to swim.