ответ:Я не знаю, есть ли у тебя братья или сёстры, поэтому сделала несколько вариантов, можешь выбрать. Если у тебя несколько братьев или сестёр, или брат с сестрой, или кто-то ещё, напиши мне в комментариях, я переделаю.
Если у тебя брат:
Hello, Nick!
I want to tell you about what me and my family are doing at home today.
My family isn't large. It consists of four members : me, mother, father and my brother.
My mother is cooking dinner now. She cooks well. My father is reading a book at the moment. He likes reading books. And my brother is listening to music. He loves rock music.
After dinner me and my family will go for a walk. I'll take a picture of us.
I can send the photo later, if you want.
Если у тебя сестра:
Hello, Nick!
I want to tell you about what me and my family are doing at home today.
My family isn't large. It consists of four members : me, mother, father and my sister.
My mother is cooking dinner now. She cooks well. My father is reading a book at the moment. He likes reading books. And my sister is listening to music. She loves classic music.
After dinner me and my family will go for a walk. I'll take a picture of us.
I can send the photo later, if you want.
Если ты один:
Hello, Nick!
I want to tell you about what me and my family are doing at home today.
My family isn't large. It consists of four members : me, my mother, and father.
My mother is cooking dinner now. She cooks well. And my father is reading a book at the moment. He likes reading books.
After dinner me and my family will go for a walk. I'll take a picture of us.
I can send the photo later, if you want.
Past simple
1. I invited my friends to my birthday party
2. Why didn't you go to the South last summer?
3. My brother went to the library and borrowed some interesting books last Saturday.
Past continuous
1. We were going to school when we saw our teacher.
2. I was doing my homework when my father brought me a dog
3. What were you doing at 6 o'clock yesterday?
Past perfect
1. My father had finished fixing our car by 5 o'clock.
2. When I had eaten a banana ,I took an apple.
3. Before the lesson began we had gone to the school canteen.