2. 1.There is no cheese left on the table.There is some in the fridge
2.Are there any museums in your town?-Yes, there are two interesting ones.
3.What is there near your house?- Theres is a school
4.Homw many books are there in your library?-There are some books in there
5.There is nothing in the vase
6. Is there anyone in the office?-No, there isn't anyone there
7.I have little paper. Bring me some.
8.There are few mistakes in your dictation.
9.What is there on the table?-There are some books
10.There are a lot of parks in our city
11.There is someone in the room
12.What is there in your school bag?-There are my books.
some-несколько. Используется с мн.числом и с неисчесляемыми сущ. в утвердительных предл.
any- несколько. Исп. со мн.числом и неисч.сущ. в отрицательных и вопросит. предл.
1. Гроза
2. Ураган
3. Снег
4. Наводнение