1 All David Livingstone’s sisters and brothers started working in their childhood. -3) Not stated 2 In his childhood David Livingstone never attended school. - 2) False 3 David Livingstone named one of the natural wonders after the British Queen. -1) True 4 During his expeditions, David Livingstone treated the local people. -1) True 5 David Livingstone went to Africa several times. -1) True 6 David Livingstone bought slaves and made them free. - 3) Not stated 7 Henry Stanley made David Livingstone return to England. - 2) False 8 David Livingstone’s grave is in Africa. - 2) False
1-не сказано, что его братья и сестры начали работать будучи детьми
2-нет, он учился по вечерам и выходным дням - Though he had twelve-hour working days, David studied at school during the evenings and weekends.
3-да-Livingstone was the first European to see the famous Zambezi falls, which he renamed Victoria Falls, after Queen Victoria. -это он переименовал знаменитый водопад и назвал его в честь королевы Виктории
4-да- он был первым европейцем, который лечил местное население - He had so many patients among the native people that he had to limit his treatment only to those with serious illnesses.
5- в вопросе НЕСКОЛЬКО раз, а в тексте ДВА раза, если ДВА это НЕСКОЛЬКО раз, то тогда ответ TRUE
6-не сказано о том, что он покупал рабов и делал их свободными
7-нет-Livingstone refused to leave his beloved Africa - он отказался возвращаться в Лондон
8-нет-his body was transported to London and buried in Westminster Abbey - его тело было перевезено и похоронено в Лондоне
2 In his childhood David Livingstone never attended school. - 2) False
3 David Livingstone named one of the natural wonders after the British Queen.
-1) True
4 During his expeditions, David Livingstone treated the local people. -1) True
5 David Livingstone went to Africa several times. -1) True
6 David Livingstone bought slaves and made them free. - 3) Not stated
7 Henry Stanley made David Livingstone return to England. - 2) False
8 David Livingstone’s grave is in Africa. - 2) False