ответ: I think that the profession of a cook is creative. After all, the chef shows imagination, creativity in cooking. In addition, the dish must be beautifully decorated, served to the table. I would also like to invent my own signature dishes. I would like to work with various seasonings, chopped spices, and use sauces to diversify the taste of dishes.
I think that a chef should be attentive, patient, discreet and responsible for the dish he cooks. Indeed, in the work of a chef, one can also encounter criticism of visitors to the institution, they will treat themselves to, taste the dishes.
The profession of a cook is needed. Those around you will always be full and happy. And this work will not be burdensome for me, because cooking is one of my favorite activities. One dish can be cooked for several hours and eaten very quickly. I want to learn the various secrets of cooking, share them. So far, the cooking process is not work for me, but just a rest. My mood always improves when I see with what pleasure people eat what I have prepared, praise me. Although these are still very simple dishes, it is still very pleasant. I hope that someday my dream will come true and I will become a good and even a great cook! It is so nice to give people a good mood, smiles, share positive emotions. And to hear how people thank you and say: "Thank you!"
1.To take a deep breath and to hold it.
2. To open your mouth wide.
3. to poke your tongue out.
4. to turn over on to your left side.
5. to wash your hands.
6. to put on the glove.
7. to dip the suppository in hot water.
1. Держите голову неподвижно и следите глазами за моим пальцем.
2. Введите суппозиторий в прямую кишку; осторожно подталкивая его вверх.
3. Убедитесь, что у пациента есть моча.
4. Нажмите на звонок, если вам что-нибудь понадобится.
5. Храните это лекарство в недоступном для детей месте.
6. Пусть плечи расслабятся.
7. Отпустите его в палату.
8. Закашляйтесь в эту коробку.
принесите образец своего стула.
10. Дай им погаснуть.
11. Закройте глаза на минутку
12. Пойдем в кабинет.
13. Не забывайте принимать таблетки каждое утро первым делом.
14. Не позволяйте ребенку играть с полиэтиленовой сумкой.
15. Не снимайте повязки до следующего дня
1. Buss - автобус
2. Wheel - колесо
3. Window - окно
4. Door - дверь