I am a very careful person and almost never got sports injuries. With the exception of one small case…
I'm a dog handler. And all my sports are related only to dogs. I was doing exercises while I run a lot with my dog to keep myself and my dog in shape. The dog and I had to run on the asphalt. It was a big mistake. My dog decided to run between my legs. I jumped and fell to the sidewalk. I was injured: my knee and elbow were bleeding. I also have bruises all over my body. My dog was upset. I had to go to work in this state, and my boss asked me every day if I was okay? I hadn't leave without judgment day. I was in bed for a week. After that, I walked with difficulty and pain for two weeks. A month later, I fully recovered. But my dog is still afraid to run with me.
(п.с. то что подчеркнула жирным шрифтом использованы глаголы с временами Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect)
ответ:1)It is felt that a compromise is not easy to achieve.
2)A number of serious problems were discussed.
3)This place is very liked with holidaymakers
4)Many wonderful places are created by Mother Nature.
5)The eye is filled and the heart warms with this beauty.
6)Books will be sold in April.
7)Which countries were visited ?
Passive voice это страдательный залог. То есть неизвестно, кто выполняет действие.
Например: Активный -Мэри убирает офис каждую неделю
Пассивный - Офис убирается каждую неделю
(прикрепила скрин как делать в каком либо времени)
сейчас напиши в личку