I think I'm quite a sociable person. I have a lot of friends. Together with them, we go for a walk, do their homework and play. But my best friend - is my classmate Daniel. We Danilo been friends since the first grade. Even then, we like to communicate with each other, we are together making the lessons visited each other's homes, walked. In school, we find friends - do not spill water. Danil very sociable person. It could easily talk even with a stranger. Also, it seems to me, is very smart. In school, he gets the best grades. Sometimes we do homework together, help each other. We definitely have a common hobby, which also unites us. This is - a sport. From the very first class I was seriously engaged in skiing. I am often put on the event. Daniel also, in contrast to many other good skiing. So we walk together in the winter usually ride in the forest or on a nearby stadium. In the summer we also spend their days at the stadium, playing soccer with the neighboring children. I believe that Daniel - this is my best friend. And not only because we have common hobbies, but also because I trust him. He will never betray me, and would not exchange for other hobbies. If we were to Danilo separated, I would be very sad.
Жить Высоко. На юге Англии, недалеко от Суррей, Элспет Борода, знаменитый архитектор получил очень необычный дом. Это водонапорная башня, 130 футов высотой. Дому 100 лет. Башня имеет шесть этажей. Есть приемная на основном этаже. Спальни находятся на первом, втором и третьем. Они все получили свои собственные ванные комнаты. Кухня на пятом этаже и гостиная находится на пятом этаже. Это 142 шага на крышу, 88 на кухню и 113 в гостиную. Это отличный поддерживать здоровье при отсутствии лифта. Это цена, которую вы платите за жилье на высоте! ...Переводил сам...