1) Russia began exploring space with launchinig Sputnik-1 in 1957. 2) Then the first animal was put into Earth's orbit , it was the dog Laika on Sputnik-2. 3) On the 12th of April, 1961 the first person was launched into space and he orbited the Earth. 4) It was Yuri Gagrin who orbited the Earth on the spaceship Vostok-1 and he spent in space 108 minutes. 5) Cosmonaut number 2 was German Titov who spent 24 hours in space. He flew on the spaceship Vostok-2 in August,1961 and he was the first man to sleep in space. 6) The first woman in space was Valentina Treshkova who was launched on the spaceship Vostok-6 in 1963. 7) The first person to walk in space was cosmonaut Aleksey Leonov. He was launched in space on the spaceship Voskhod-2 in 1965. 8) The first cosmonauts to spend over one year in space were Vladimir Titov and Musa Manarov on board the space station Mir in 1987.
The Toy Soldier
[ ðə tɔɪ ˈsəʊlʤə ]
Игрушечный солдатик
ˈfɒləʊ miː, ˈfɒləʊ miː,
mɑːʧ ɪf juː kæn!
swɪŋ jɔːr ɑːmz,
ænd kaʊnt tuː tɛn!
wʌn, tuː,
wʌn, tuː, θriː!
kʌm ɒn, ˈɛvrɪwʌn,
ˈfɒləʊ miː! ˈfɒləʊ miː!
huːˈreɪ! huːˈreɪ!
ɪt'ɛs ði ɛnd ɒv ðə deɪ!
ɪt'ɛs taɪm fɔːr ʌs
tuː kʌm aʊt ænd pleɪ!
ænd naʊ ðə deɪ
ɪz hɪər əˈgɛn!
ðə tɔɪz kæn't mɑːʧ,
ɔː kaʊnt tuː tɛn.
Cледуйте за мной, следуйте за мной!
Маршируйте, если можете!
Машите руками
и сосчитайте до десяти
Один, два,
один, два, три,
ну давайте, все!
Следуйте за мной!
Ура! Ура!
Это конец дня!
Пришло время для нас
выйти и поиграть!
А вот и снова день настал!
И игрушки не могут маршировать
или считать до десяти!