1. A lot of rice is eaten in Asia.
2. Lions and tiger can be seen in the zoo.
3. This house was constructed many years ago.
4. These books will be published next year.
5. The work had been done by the time Nick came home.
6. Look! A new bridge is being built in this district.
7. Sorry, the car has just been sold.
8. A new picture will have been painted by this artist by the beginning of the year.
9. Our class will be taught by another teacher next year.
10. I couldn't use my bike last week, it was repaired.
Перевод:1)Во сколько вы сегодня проснулись?
2)Что вы ели на завтрак?
3)Что вы вчера смотрели по телевизору?
4)Что вы делали в выходные?
5)Что вы купили в последний раз?
6)Во сколько вы легли спать вчера вечером?
7)Каким видом спорта вы занимались в последний раз?
8)Что вы ели вчера на ужин?
1) I woke up today at 08: 00 in the morning
2) I had a sandwich for breakfast
3) I watched an interesting TV show
4) I rested
5) I bought groceries at the store
6)I went to bed at 22:15 PM
7) I went for a swim
8) I ate noodles with potatoes