- Is your name Karlson? -Yes. it is. My name is Karlson. - Do you live on the roof? -Yes, l do. l live on the roof. - Are you eight? - No, l'm not. l am fifly years old.- - Do you like readjng books? - No, l don't. l never read books. -Do you like to tidy up? -No, l don't. l don't like to tidy up.- -Do you play computer games? -No, l don't. l play with toy cars and real cars. -Do you like jam and cakes? -Yes, l do. l like jam and cakes. -Is your favourite food popcorn? - No, it isn't. My favourite food is fish and chips. -Do you know the Queen? -Yes, l do. l know the Queen. -Do you listen to the Beatles? - No, l don't. l don't listen to the Beatles. -Can you fly? -Yes, l can. l can fly.-Can you swim? - No, l can't. l can't swim.
просто везде пишешь сначала WILL и потом пишешь глагол который стоит у тебя в скобках(вроде бы так,сори если не так,я в 5 классе)