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Правила хороших манеров на английском ​


Тема: Хорошие манеры

What is the difference between a well-mannered person and an ill-mannered one? In fact, a good breeding is seen in everything: speech, behaviour, gestures, clothes and appearance in general. Though nowadays etiquette is often considered as something boring and old-fashioned, people with good manners will always stand out in a crowd. Good manners are always based on a deep respect to other people, ability to choose relevant words and actions in different situations, to be tactful and polite. To my mind, there are several most important distinctive characteristics of really well-mannered people.

В чем отличие воспитанного человека от невоспитанного? На самом деле, хорошее воспитание проявляется во всем: в речи, поведении, жестах, одежде и внешнем виде в целом. Несмотря на то, что сегодня этикет часто воспринимается как нечто скучное и старомодное, люди с хорошими манерами всегда будут выделяться из толпы. Хорошие манеры всегда основаны на глубоком уважении к другим людям, умении выбирать уместные слова и действия в различных ситуациях, быть тактичными и вежливыми. На мой взгляд, есть несколько отличительных особенностей по-настоящему воспитанных людей.

A well-mannered person will never shout, swear, or quarrel with somebody in the presence of others. If you respect yourself, respect other people as well. And they are hardly eager to become aware of your problems. At the same time, even if you don’t like somebody’s behaviour in public, you should abstain from criticism and derogative remarks. If this person irritates you, just step aside and leave him or her alone. Self-restraint is a sign of fine breeding.

Хорошо воспитанный человек никогда не станет кричать, браниться или ссориться с кем-то в присутствии других людей. Если вы уважаете себя, уважайте и других людей. А они вряд ли горят желанием узнать о ваших проблемах. В то же время, если вам не нравится чье-то поведение на публике, следует воздержаться от критики и пренебрежительных замечаний. Если этот человек вас раздражает, просто отойдите в сторону и оставьте его в покое. Сдержанность – признак хорошего воспитания.

A well-mannered person always uses polite words in his everyday life, and does it easily and sincerely. It’s quite natural to greet those present when you enter a room or an office and to say good-bye when you are leaving. But it’s also natural to thank people for rendered services and add the word “please” when asking someone for a favour. It doesn’t matter whether you are talking to a salesperson in a supermarket, a bank clerk, your own child or a stranger – just be polite. However, you shouldn’t cross the line: flattery and false complaisance can have an adverse effect and make you look ridiculous in other people’s eyes.

Воспитанный человек всегда использует вежливые слова в повседневной жизни, и делает это легко и искренне. Вполне естественно поздороваться с присутствующими, когда вы заходите в комнату или в офис и попрощаться, когда вы уходите. Но так же естественно благодарить людей за оказанные услуги и добавлять слово когда вы просите кого-то об услуге. Неважно, обращаетесь ли вы к продавцу в супермаркете, банковскому служащему, собственному ребенку или постороннему человеку – просто будьте вежливыми. Однако не стоит переходить границу: лесть и неестественная почтительность могут дать обратный эффект и сделать вас смешным в глазах людей.

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Sample letter to a friend in english № 1dear michael,     thank you for your recent letter. it is so wonderful to hear from you!   i am very glad that you had a good vacation.     as for me, i also spent a wonderful vacation. first, i lived with my parents in the garden. the weather was hot and i  swam  a lot with my friends. we played soccer and rode bicycles.      and in august we went  to  cyprus   with my parents. it is a large island in the mediterranean with a wonderful climate. we swam in the sea and were lying in  the shade of huge eucalyptus trees. we traveled along the mountain paths and  played  tennis. anyway, it was a memorable summer.     how did your academic year begin?   are  there newcomers in your class? any new subjects?     i’m sorry, i have to go to the sports section.     all the best!     ivan sample letter to a friend in english № 2dear paul, thank you for your letter. i'm so glad to hear from you. it's great that you're on vacation in italy. you ask me how i spent the summer. i rested at a youth camp on the lake chebarkul is located in chelyabinsk region in russia. i can not say that the summer was very hot, but at the camp we had fun. we play games, play sports, go to the disco. as for me, i really liked the large and beautiful lake. moreover, i had a lot of new friends! and you have many friends? who's best friend? why are you friends with him? sorry, i must go. i look forward to hearing from you. best wishes, tanya sample letter to a friend in english № 3 dear paul, thank you for your letter. i'm happy to get it.in your letter you ask me how i spent my summer. i think that most people spend the summer on the shores of ponds, swimming and sunbathing. as for me, i spent the summer with his grandmother in the village. we walked a lot in the woods, picking berries and mushrooms. i've seen a lot of wild animals and birds. moreover, we met a large moose with huge antlers. i did not think that the forest is so interesting! how did you start out? there are new lessons? you learn in school last year? sorry, i have to go now.  write back soon!   best wishes, alex
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           My first fear is heights. Whenever I’m in a really high place, I get dizzy and uncomfortable. I also feel nauseous. These physical reactions are a result of my fear. The idea of falling from an extreme height drives my phobia of experiencing heights. I have always been afraid of heights my whole life. I avoid going to high places whenever possible.

           My second fear is darkness. When it is dark, you can’t see anything that is around you. You also can’t see where you are going. This creates a very dangerous situation. The feeling of being vulnerable is the basis of this fear. There is no way of knowing what might be just beyond what you can see. Your mind creates all types of scary scenarios that are probably scarier than what is actually hiding in the dark.

           While many people share the same types of fears, I am especially scared of heights and darkness. I am sure that one day, I will overcome all of my fears. It is suggested that the best way to get over a fear is to confront it. My fears are all things I can confront and work through. Hopefully, this will allow me to no longer fear these things.

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