200,000 Endangered Antelope Died. Now We Know Why. Reasons which led to mass die-off Reasons why the number of saiga is declining The function of their nose
The Benton Horde, a priceless collection of ancient Roman silver, 14. (disappeared) from its display cabinet in the British Museum. At today‘s emergency press conference, the Museum director John Clive said, that according to his theory, the treasures 15. (had probably been stolen) by a professional gang on behalf of a specific collector. The matter is that the stolen silver 16. (is) very well-known and it 17. (has never been sold) on the open market.
Ten museums 18. (have been robbed) in the last six months and the number 19. (has been rising) steadily over the last few years. The Benton Horde 20. (is considered) one of Britain‘s most important collections of Roman silver. It 21. (had been lying) undiscovered for almost sixteen centuries beneath a Sussex field until it 22. (was found) incidentally in 1926.
Yello! i want to tell you about favourite pastime. i like nature. i like to spend weekends in the forest. as usual i go there with my friends. we put up a tent, make a fire there. then we swim, played games and cook food on the open fire. in the evening we sit near a fire and sing song. it is great! sometimes i go there alone. i walk in the forest and listen to its sounds. i like it. i think that all people like forests and nature and i think they must protect it. with best regards, angelina
The Benton Horde, a priceless collection of ancient Roman silver, 14. (disappeared) from its display cabinet in the British Museum. At today‘s emergency press conference, the Museum director John Clive said, that according to his theory, the treasures 15. (had probably been stolen) by a professional gang on behalf of a specific collector. The matter is that the stolen silver 16. (is) very well-known and it 17. (has never been sold) on the open market.
Ten museums 18. (have been robbed) in the last six months and the number 19. (has been rising) steadily over the last few years. The Benton Horde 20. (is considered) one of Britain‘s most important collections of Roman silver. It 21. (had been lying) undiscovered for almost sixteen centuries beneath a Sussex field until it 22. (was found) incidentally in 1926.