Always wash your hands before eating. Don't read when you eat. Don't make a noise at the table. Start eating when everyone else does. Instead of reaching across the table for something ask for it to be passed to you.
I love to go shopping. Even if I do not what is not I buy, I am very pleased to observe that as evolving fashion. last time I was in a clothing store "Sauvage" in the department of evening dresses. I was very happy that I was able to buy an expensive but very beautiful dress. now I have the opportunity to visit many of the celebrations. buying a dress Me, I have looked after costume for mom. It was a formal suit for office work. Mom tried on, and he approached her. She was happy when I bought it.
В действительном залоге подлежащее обозначает исполнителя действия, лицо или предмет, выполняющие описываемое действие, а тот, на кого направлено действие, т.н. "получатель действия" в предложении является дополнением. Большинство предложений имеют действительный залог. Предложения действительного залога в английском языке образуются следующим образом: исполнитель действия + I форма глагола + получатель действия. Например: The professor teaches the students. Профессор преподает студентам.