A - 1. He was very strong. 2. Later he became an actor. 3. He died at the age of 71 B - 1. The films about him is very frightening. 2.He was a noble man. 3. this character appeared at the end of the 19th century. C - 1. The films about him is very frightening. 2.The scientist was killed. 3.This character appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. 4. He didn't really exist. 5.It was unhappy because nobody loved it. D - 1. He didn't really exist. 2. He lived in a forest. 3. There are many songs about him.
Speed limit: 60 — ограничение скорости 60 миль в час (равное 100 км/ч) detour — объезд no overtaking — обгон запрещен overtaking permitted - обгон разрешен yield - уступи дорогу yield at roundabout - уступи на перекрестке (на нерегулируемом перекрестке) traffic circle — кольцевое движение do not enter - вход запрещен no left turn - правый поворот запрещен no right turn - левый поворот запрещен no U-turn — запрещен разворот public parking - общественная стоянка no parking- стоянка запрещена auto repair — ремонт машин car wash — мойка машин railroad crossing — ж/д переезд road closed — дорога закрыта one way — одностороннее движение pedestrians prohibited — проход пешеходов запрещен no motor vehicles — движение запрещено right (left) lane must turn right (left) – из этого ряда только направо(налево) ПЛАГИАТ!
B - 1. The films about him is very frightening. 2.He was a noble man. 3. this character appeared at the end of the 19th century.
C - 1. The films about him is very frightening. 2.The scientist was killed. 3.This character appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. 4. He didn't really exist. 5.It was unhappy because nobody loved it.
D - 1. He didn't really exist. 2. He lived in a forest. 3. There are many songs about him.