1) они в основном связаны с принятием в качестве входных данных, манипулированием и представлением в качестве выходных данных большого количества символьной информации-имен и адресов.
2) настольные персональные компьютеры используются для обучения, ведения малого бизнеса или в крупной корпорации, чтобы офисным работникам быть более продуктивными.
3) миникомпьютерная система в сочетании со специализированным оборудованием и периферийными устройствами предназначена для выполнения конкретной задачи.
4) в когда клиент хотел обналичить чек, карта подписи должна была быть сопоставлена для подтверждения личности.
1. When you drop oil in water, it floats.
2. If we had enough money, we would buy a new computer.
3. You will get higher marks if you study more.
4. If the weather was a bit warmer, we would go on a picnic today.
5. Sue will forgive you if you apologise to her.
6. If I had known it was a secret, I wouldn't have told anyone.
7. If I had more time, I would take music lessons.
If Jack had trained harder, he could have got the first place in the competitions.
1. win
2. club
3. sport
4. climbing
1. Nick was too tired to go climbing, so he decided to spend a day on the golf court/ course.
2. The outdoor ice-skating rink/pitch is one of the biggest attractions of our town.
3. Your paintings are brilliant. You should participate in the school’s painting competition/championship.
4. His driving coach/instructor usually gave him very useful advice on how to park on narrow streets.
5. Mr. Brown’s technical/physical knowledge of computers enables him to analyse complex sports statistics.
6. Jenny bought a pair of new skis/skates, as her old ones had fallen apart.
1. You won't be able to go to the sports competitions unless you finish your homework first.
2. When spring approaches, the weather becomes warmer and the days get longer.
3. You cannot get good seats at the stadium if you don't buy your tickets ahead of time.
4. Grandma brings us lots of presents when she comes for a visit.
5. If you like playing tennis, you'll probably like playing squash. They are very similar.
1. cats
2. the cats
3. coffee, tea
4. the cake, coffee
5. life
6. the life
Задание 3
1. is
2. is
3. are
4. were
5. is
6. were