Что ж, попробую. (текст буду писать сразу в прошедшем времени! 1. армия выиграла битву/ the russian army won the battle. 2. они продавали только газеты на улице/ they were selling newspapers on the street. 3. мальчик появился скоро/ the boy appeared very soon. 4. он всегда говорил правду/ he always spoke the truth. 5. солнце поднималось и всё становилось таким ярким/the sun was rising, and everything was so bright . 6. он вставал в пять и ловил автобус в 6: 30/he was up at five and catch the bus at 6: 30. надеюсь, всё правильно.
1. Was there any water in that bottle?-4. No, there wasn't 2.What is the train fare from Moscow to Vnukovo?-3. About 400 roubles. 3. Why did you do that: because of me or her?- I did itbecause of her. 4. Who can cook?- I can. 5.you havent visited Oxford,have you? 6.they were dancing very well,wrent they? 7.Did he work yesterday? 8.By 5 oclock yesterday he hd done his homework and at six he watched a film. 9.By two oclock the boy had come home and at two he had dinner. 10.When i rang him up,he had already done his homework . 11.He will have finished this workby two oclock of this morning. he will visit some European countries the next fall.
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