Первое задание:
2. taught;
3. sold;
4. drank;
5. won;
6. fell, hurt;
7. threw, caught;
8. spent, bought, cost.
Второе задание:
2. Did you go alone?;
3. Was food good? (Хотя, по идее, должно писаться с определённым артиклем "the".);
4. How long did you stay there?;
5. Did you stay at a hotel?;
6. How did you travel?;
7. Was the weather fine?;
8. What did you do in the evenings?;
9. Did you meet anybody interesting?
Третье задание:
3. didn't disturb;
4. went;
5. didn't sleep;
6. didn't eat;
7. wasn't;
8. laughed;
9. flew;
10. didn't cost;
11. didn't have;
12. was.
Everyone loves to travel. Someone goes on a trip looking forward to exciting adventures. For some, there is nothing better than new exotic dishes. Some have an irresistible attraction to cultural values. Others prefer to silently watch the sunset over the ocean. Love and lust for life awaken on travel . When traveling, you can try something new every day. Only in travel can you meet a lot of "your" people who will leave a big imprint and inspire you to do something more. Traveling gives you an experience that you would never have at home.When traveling, every new turn is already a memory. Travel makes us appreciate what we already have. Thanks to travel, you start to see the world in a different way. Travel allows you to look at life through new prisms and question our concepts of the familiar