the truth: a photograph of a model there are six clues that it was not taken from the space shuttle the columbia during its last mission: 1. it’s taken from much too high up, the shuttle never leaves low earth orbit. 2. the night-time area should be black. 3. the terminator 1 is too sharp. 4. details of the sea floor are visible. 5. there are no clouds. ‘a cloudless day’ is a local phenomenon and could not possibly cover the whole of europe and the north atlantic . 6. in january/february the north pole should not be sunlit. conclusion: it’s clearly a picture of a model
tell... will feel
learn... will not get
has... will play
am... will travel
listen... will know
finds... will phone
hear... will open
has... will tell
feels... will go
have... will buy
waits... will meet
learns... will have
know... will visit
live... will go
work... will get
tell... will feel
learn... will not get
has... will play
am... will travel
listen... will know
finds... will phone
hear... will open
has... will tell
feels... will go
have... will buy
waits... will meet
learns... will have
know... will visit
live... will go
work... will get