1) If you heat water, it boils..
2. If people don't eat or drink, eventually they die.
3. If I am late, my father takes me to school..
4. If you have a toothache, you visit the dentist. t
5. When factories use fossil fuels, it produces greenhouse gases
6. When you burn oil, the greenhouse effect gets worse.
7. When people cut down trees, it is deforestation
8. When icebergs melt, the sea level rises
9. If you use air conditioning wisely, you save up energy
10. If people don’t protect animals, they become extinct
номер 2
1. If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.
2. If I were in Brazil, I would go to Rio de Janeiro.
3. They wouldn’t work any more if they won the lottery.
4. We could go out if it didn’t rain
5. What would you do if you were me?
6. I wouldn’t do that If I were you
Номер 3
Type O Conditional
If the sun (rises) high, it (becomes) very hot.
Plants (die), if it (doesn't ) not rain.
People (get) fat, if they (eat) junk food.
If a person (practises) sports, he or she always (feels) good.
Type 1 Conditional
If you (cook) the supper, I(will wash) the dishes.
She (will pass) the test if she(studies) hard.
If it (is) sunny, we (will go) to the park.
Paula (will be) sad if Juan (leaves.)
Type 2 Conditional
If I (had) a million dollars, I(would buy)a big house.
If dogs (had) wings, they (would be) able to fly.
If I (were) you, I (would drive) more carefully in the rain.
Paula (would be) sad if Jan (left).
A: I hate Saturday nights. There’s nothing to do. — Я ненавижу субботние вечера. Нечего делать.
B: You’re wrong! There are lots of things to do. — Ты ошибаешься! Есть много чем заняться.
А: Like what? You know I don’t like board games. — Чем, например? Ты же знаешь, я не люблю настольные игры.
B: Yes, I know. So it won’t be monopoly, backgammon or chess. But what about jigsaw puzzle? — Да, знаю. Так что не будет ни монополии, ни нард, ни шахмат. Но как насчет паззла?
A: I find it boring. — Я нахожу это скучным.
B: And what do you think about darts? — А что ты думаешь о дартсе?
A: Do you have one? I don’t — У тебя есть дартс? У меня нет.
B: Oh, so, do you have a computer then? — О, так, а компьютер у тебя есть?
A: Yes, my father works on it and there are no games on it’s hardisk. Sorry. — Да, папа работает на нем и на его жестком диске нет ни одной игры. Извини.
B: I have one disk with very interesting game with me. — У меня с собой есть один диск с очень интересной игрой.
A: So we can play this game right now! — Значит мы можем поиграть прямо сейчас!
B: Sure! Let’s go! — Конечно! Пошли!