Essay Healthy lifestyle
My family and I are doing our best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There is nothing difficult in this, and by adhering to a healthy lifestyle, you get a comprehensively developed, psychologically and physically healthy body.
It is very important to play sports. Exercise in the morning, maybe even run, visit some kind of sports section. It helps to be vigorous, and also my body gets used to physical activity from childhood, which will have a good effect on my health in the future.
1. Life is impossible without (e) hard work.
Жизнь невозможна без тяжелого труда.
2. Alexander tries (l) to organize his working day well.
Александр старается хорошо организовать свой рабочий день.
3. At 6:15 my alarm clock (а) buzzes.
В 6:15 звонит будильник.
4. I usually try to (o) stay in bed as long as possible. Am I a (g) lazybones?
Обычно я стараюсь оставаться в постели как можно дольше. Я лентяй?
5. Good m) health is better than b) wealth.
Крепкое здоровье лучше богатства.
6. I wash my face with h) cold water.
Я умываю лицо холодной водой.
7. In a common school every lesson n) lasts 40 minutes.
В обычной школе каждый урок длится 40 минут.
8. This weekend I am c) busy doing my project.
В эти выходные я занят своим проектом.
9. At dinner all our family j) gathers at the kitchen table.
За ужином вся наша семья собирается за кухонным столом.
10. At 11 o'clock he f) takes a shower and goes to bed.
В 11 часов он принимает душ и ложится спать.
What time will Ted arrive?