Plotstoryline --the story of a book, film, play 2. Scenario—a written outline of a film, novel, or stage work giving details of the plot and individual scenes
3. Budget –to show how to spend or to earn money
4.Special effects --special effects are illusions on visual tricks used in the film, TV, theatre, video, game
5. Director --The person who decides how it will appear on stage or screen and who tells the actors and technical staff what to do in a play, film or TV programme
6. Soundtrack- is an audio recording created or used in film production or post-production. Initially the dialogue, sound effects, and music in a film each has its own separate track (dialogue track, sound effects track, and music track)
7. Screenwriters - are responsible for researching the story, developing the narrative, writing the script, screenplay, dialogues and delivering it, in the required format, to development executives.
Ex. 1
a film that makes people laugh( c_ _ _ _ _) a film about life in space or in the future( sf) a film about a love story( r) a film in which cartoons are brought to life(a) a film about an imaginary world( f) a film about exciting experiences( a) The text
Он является аргентинским футболистом, который в настоящее время играет за Барселону и за аргентинскую национальную сборную. Он родился 24 июня 1987 года в Росарио - это большой город в центральной Аргентине. Его отец был рабочим на заводе, а мама - уборщицей с частичной занятостью. Именно его отец обнаружил талант Лионеля. Он начал играть в футбол за местную команду, когда ему было всего пять лет. Позже он играл за местную молодежную команду, которая за следующие четыре года проиграла только один раз. В возрасте 11 лет он серьезно заболел, и на его лечение требовалось много денег. Местная команда отказывалась оплачивать лечение. Но вскоре к таланту Месси проявил интерес спортивный директор Барселоны и тот переехал в Испанию. Во время своего дебютного матча за Барселону он стал самым молодым игроком, побившим рекорд, и забившим первый гол в игре лиги. Это был его прорыв. Все последующие годы были довольно успешными для молодого Месси. Его низкий рост, быстрая хватка и безжалостный стиль атаки сравнивались с другим всемирно-известным аргентинским игроком - Диего Марадоной. Именно Лионель Месси в итоге принес успех и славу Барселонской команде. В возрасте 21 года он получил свою первую награду «Чемпион мира». Он также является обладателем золотой Олимпийской медали и многих других международных наград. На мой взгляд, его талант, мужество и волевой характер достойны восхищения.He is an Argentinean footballer, who currently plays for the Barcelona and Argentine national team. He was born on June 24th 1987, in Rosario - a large city in central Argentine. His father was a factory worker, and his mum was a part-time cleaner. His father was the one to detect Lionel’s talent. He began playing football for the local team when he was only five. Later he played for the local youth team, which lost only one game during the next four years. At the age of 11 he was diagnosed with a serious disease, which required lots of money for treatment. The local team was unwilling to pay for his treatment. But soon the sporting director of Barcelona showed interest in his talent and Messi moved to Spain. During his debut game for Barcelona he became the youngest player to break the record and to score the first goal in a league game. This was his breakthrough. All the seasons that followed after this game were rather successful for young Messi. His short stature, speed and relentless attacking style were compared with other world-famous Argentinean player - Diego Maradona. It was Lionel Messi who consequently brought success and fame to Barcelona team. At the age of 21 he received his first FIFA World Player of the Year nomination. He is also the holder of an Olympic gold medal and many other international awards. In my opinion, his talent, courage and strong-willed character are worth admiring.
1 had to 2 must 3 must 4 must 5 had to 6 had to 7 must 8 must 9 had to 10 must 11 had to 12 had to 1 it was getting pretty late. i might leave, or i should be late for the last bus 2 this was getting so far, i felt i had to do something before it was too late 3 it couldn't go on like this any longer. it might blow up sooner or later 4 i knew it was a secret and i might keep it 5 he was trying to explain why the measures he proposed might be resorted to if we wanted to save the situation 6 he did not understand why such urgent measures as had been taken might be resorted to even in the face of the situation 7 it was impossible to change anything. one might take things as they were 8 i did not agree with him that one might always took things as they were without trying to change them 9 did you realize that you might not mention it to anybody?
a film that makes people laugh ( comedy)
a film about life in space or in the future ( science fiction)
a film about a love story ( romance)
a film in which cartoons are brought to life (animation)
a film about an imaginary world ( fantasy)
a film about exciting experiences ( action)