1)We haven't finished the exercise yet
2)Roma hasn't done his work yet
3)Lily hasn't tried on three dresses yet
4)The boys haven't lost the game yet
5)The kittens haven't drunk the milk yet
6)The girls haven't watered all the tomatoes yet
7)I haven't opened all windows yet
8)Carol hasn't picked up all the strawberries yet
9)Jim hasn't lost his keys yet
10)They haven't driven their cars fast yet.
. Перетворіть наведені нижче речення на пасивний голос. 1. Ми зазвичай зберігаємо книги на полицях у нашій бібліотеці. - Книги зазвичай зберігаються на полицях у нашій бібліотеці. 2. Бібліотекарі зберігають інформацію про бібліотечні книги в онлайн -каталозі або в каталозі карт. 3. Ми розміщуємо журнали та газети в розділі періодичних видань. 4. Праворуч ви можете знайти розділ періодичних видань. 5. Ви можете читати мікрофільми на зчитувачі мікрофільмів. 6. Ви можете користуватися Інтернетом в ІТ -центрі. Ви можете знайти його зліва. 7. Ви можете запитати людину у бюро довідки, якщо у вас є запитання.
This Summer was the best vacation of my life! for the beginning of July. This month I made new friends, with them I had picnics and a lot of walks. In July, I didn't think about the problems at school, I just enjoyed my vacation. I also liked June, it was in this month that my perhaps strange, but funny dreams came true. Trying the entire menu from your favorite cafe, wishing a good day to random people on the street, having a night out with friends and staying awake all night is a big surge of positive emotions! August, too, did not let himself be forgotten. In August, I began to prepare for school, remember the information that the teachers told us, buy uniforms, office supplies. To meet with classmates to chat about the new school day ... I really liked this summer, it became different for me, I am very loved him!
. I have opened all windows recently.