So what could be the pros at the computer: First computer is not just a toy for people, but also the most advanced source of information in mire.Toest using the computer if there is intrnet can find any information and I think that's a big plus.
By sazheleniyu even this technique has disadvantages: first, if not wise to use it then it can break down, and the second if you have an internet connection, then such children can not go to children's sites, and those which may adversely affect the psyche, but this minus can be eliminated simply put antivirusnik.
The result, reasonably necessary to use a computer and the main thing that it was going to benefit you.
Я хочу рассказать жуткую историю. Однажды ночью мне показалось, что в моей комнате есть кто-то кроме меня. Я открыл глаза и увидел у окна тень. Она была очень высокая, худая и протягивала ко мне руки. Мне стало страшно, и я закричал так громко как только мог. Я сидел на кровати и кричал. Вдруг в комнату вбежали мои родители. Они были очень напуганы. Папа включил свет, и я перестал кричать. Оказывается, днем мама принесла из зала в мою комнату огромную пальму в большом горшке и поставила ее за штору. Ночью была полная луна, и мне показалось, что это привидение... Мне никогда не было так страшно как в ту ночь
I would like to tell you a horrible story. One night it seemed to me that there was someone besides me in my room. I opened my eyes and saw a woman's shade at the window . She was very tall, thin and she stretched out her arms to me. I was scared and I screamed so loud as I could. I was sitting on the bed and crying. Suddenly my parents ran into my room. They were very frightened. Dad turned on the light, and I stopped screaming. It turned out that in the afternoon, my mother brought a huge palm tree in a large pot from the hall into my room and she put it behind the curtains. That night there was full moon, and it seemed to me that it was a ghost ...
I have never been so frightened as that night
My aunt played the piano yesterday.
2. My aunt plays the piano often.
3. My aunt didn't play the piano yesterday the whole evening.
4.l Does your friend play the piano often?
5. My friend hasn't already played the piano.
6. Did your friend Bill play the piano by yesterday?
7. Our relatives watched their favourite film the other day.
8. Our friends are watching their favourite film now.
9. Will our mother watch her favourite film in two days?
10. My parents has not watched their favourite film recently.
11. Our brother and sister watched their favourite film by last week.
12. Do our sisters watch their favourite film sometimes?
II. Open the brackets. Put as many questions as you can to the following sentences
1. They did this task the other day.
when did they do this task?
Who did this task the other day?
What did they do the other day?
2. My sister goes in for skating every day.
When does your sister go in for skating ?
Whose sister goes on for skating every day?
Where does your sister go every day?
Thanks to the Internet I have found a lot of friends. Everything is very simple. With old friends also maintain contact in the distance. Thank you for the opportunity to communicate via the Internet.
Secondly, I had the job. Yes! A full-fledged, well-paid and favorite work. Now I am not worried about where to go after University. I like to constantly work at home and not think about anything. Wanted, got up and went and had lunch, wanted, tuned to your favorite music on the volume, which is useful for me, wanted, accommodated in a comfortable chair with a laptop in his hands. Nothing and no one saw me, they say, let's work!
And of course, I can устаивать their leisure time as interesting as possible with the help of the Internet. Read your favorite books, watching new movies, listen to music (which I already mentioned) and all in such spirit. The benefits are obvious.
If I knew who invented the Internet, I would дядечке shook hands. Still, well done folks, there's something to be proud of.
And! By the way! The Internet helps me learn. Where, as not in the Internet you can find any summary, scientific book, course work in the end. Library no one today is not welcomed.