Distance learning is a convenient learning format for every student. You study at home, at a convenient time for you. No need to waste time on the road to the school and back. You plan your time as you want. You remember more as you search for information yourself.
This format helps the student to get used to adult life and teaches him to be independent. The remote format can also make it easier and even somewhere to unload the homework list in advance if you do it in advance.
Thus, this type of training is convenient for all schoolchildren and students, regardless of where they study.
1)You can use a hoverboard to get from one place to another.-True
1)Вы можете использовать ховерборд, чтобы добраться из одного места в другое.-True
2)A hoverboard has speakers so you can listen to music while you ride on it.-True
2)2 Ховерборд оснащен динамиками, чтобы вы могли слушать музыку во время езды на нем-True
4)You can do everything with your wearable touchscreen bracelet that you
do with your smartphone-False
С носимого браслета с сенсорным экраном вы можете делать все, что делаете со своим смартфоном-False
5) A wearable touchscreen bracelet only works with a tablet.-False.
5) Носимый браслет с сенсорным экраном работает только с планшетом.-False
6)Wearable touchscreen bracelets come only in black and white.-False.
6)Носимых браслетов с сенсорным экраном выпускаются только в черно-белом цвете.-False.
Pavel Bure: The man in this picture is middle-aged. He's got short hair. His eyes are shiny and smiling. He has a straight nose and a big mouth with white teeth. He is smiling at the picture. I suppose he is a wise man with a good sense of humor.
Mark Twain: The man in this picture a person, getting on in years. He's got white curly hair. His eyes are very serious. He has a big nose and he wears bushy moustache. He is frowning at the picture. I think that he is a wise and serious man.
Mother Teresa: At this picture we can see an old woman, Her hair is hidden with shawl. Her face is wrinkly. She has got little smiling eyes. She has a big nose and a little mouth with thin lips. I think she is a wise woman with the big life experience.
Irina Rodnina: The woman in this picture is middle-aged. She has short hair. Her eyes are kind and lively. She has a straight nose and a big mouth. I think she is a kind woman.