1)there is nothing wrong with that person who knows what to do and how to use them to get the best deal on the day and night with a good time in a good time and the best way to do it is the best way to make sure that the right person is to be global citezen and not just to get a job in the workplace but not just to get the job done right now and get the job done right now and get the job done right now and get the job done right now and get the job done right now and get the job done right now and get the job done right now and get the job done right now and get the job done right now and get the job done right now and get the job done right now and get the job done 2)get to work with the right team and work with you to work in a rewarding and rewarding role in the workplace and workplace health and safety training workplace as well as a career in the workplace and work of the new south Coast of the Sunshine Coast and Queensland and new.
№ 1
1. True
2. not given
3. true
4. not given
5. false
6. false
№ 2
Cathy has done a bungee jump for three times
John has seen Avatar for five times
My dad has been a police officer since 1978
№ 3
Не могу зделать ибо я хз где вы живете
Крч напишите про место где вы живете и напишите мне, я переведу на англ
Вопросы по которым нужно состовлять:
Где вы живете? Напишите об этом месте
Вам нравится это место? Почему?
Какое ваше любимое место в этои городе/селе? Где оно находится ?
Объяснение: как то так (3 в коменты)