He said porter to take his luggage to room 123.Mother said us to not to be late for dinner.She said she didn't go to that shop very often.Tom said he had already had breakfast, so he wasn't hungry.Mike said they had bought those books today.Mike asked Jane if she would come to railway station to see him off.She asked me if I had sent them a telegram.I asked Mike if he had packed his suitcase.The pupil asked teacher what novels would they read the following year.My friend asked me how had I managed to solve that difficult problem in such a short time.Peter asked Jane what book had she boyfriend from the library the previous day.Teacher asked Betsy where were her books.
время в предложениях меняется на
слова this/these - that/those, he-his и т.д
next day - following day
next day - following dayyesterday - the previous day или the day before
Хорошо известна привязанность (любовь, ну или на крайняк забота) англичан к животным. 4 миллиона котов, 6 миллионов собак, 8 миллионов птиц в клетках, а также огромное количество других животных содержатся в качестве домашних в Англии. Официально зарегистрировано 50 частных зоопарков, в которых содержатся не только кошки и собаки, но и экзотические животные. В стране существует Королевское общество по предотвращению жестокого обращения с животными, которое недавно отпраздновало свой 150-летний юбилей.
The room of my dreams is light, large and with big windows. It is cozy and comfortable too. I think the room will make me happy, if the colour of the walls will be bright, maybe yellow, white or pink, but not gray, because this colour depresses me and it is boring. And I dont want to have red walls in me room because this colour is too much powerful for me and hinder me to rest.Of course I dream about big room because big rooms make me feel freedom and i like this feeling. I want to have a furniture : the table, the cupboard and the bed, these are most important things in any room.I hope some time later I will create or buy a room like this.
время в предложениях меняется на
слова this/these - that/those, he-his и т.д
next day - following day
next day - following dayyesterday - the previous day или the day before
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