hello, my name is oleg nikolaevich. (имя измени на свое) и в следующий раз пиши более подробно, что именно нужно
i was asked a very interesting question to change in my city / area. i would first of all improve the living conditions of many families - it is very important that people live in good conditions. after all, if you live in a damp, cold apartment, not far away and get sick. sanitary norms i would also change!
1. garbage collection in the morning and evening
2. more firmly closed tanks so that dogs do not miss the garbage
3. street planting, because fresh air is needed by all
Active voice:
I ate an apple and a waffle for breakfast today.
The cat was looking at the mirror and thinking.
The sun was shining brighter than ever.
Passive voice:
Mouse was caught.
The city was destroyed by flood.
Onegin`s heart was broken.