3 Put the adjectives in the correct order. 1 a large leather black briefcase 2 a red small plastic box 3 a(n) ancient gold priceless coin 4 a woollen red long scarf
Angelina Jolie is a 43-year-old American actress and activist.
She isn't tall, her height is 170 cm. She's always been slim, but in her latest photos she looks skinny.
Jolie has got a square-shaped face with a high forehead and high cheekbones. Her straight nose makes her look witty and wise. Her large eyes are blue, although some people believe them to be green. When you look at Angelina's face it is her full lips that catch your attention.
She's got long hair and her natural hair color is dark blonde, but she's kept her hair dark brown since she was five years old.
When she was younger, she was among the most beautiful movie stars in Hollywood, but now, I think, she looks painfully thin.
Положите глаголы в скобках в правильное напряженной сделать правильные тип 2 условные приговоры.1. Если я (быть), вы, я (изучение к экзаменам).2. Если мы (есть) автомобиль, мы (перейти) для привода в стране.3. Ким (покупка) некоторые новые одежды, если она (есть) достаточно денег.4. Если камеры (не / стоимость) столько, что мы (купить) одним5. Джон (кредитовать) вам деньги, если вы (ASK) его6. Он (открыть) двери, если он (есть) ключ.7. Мы (краска) дом, если мы (есть) время.8. Если она (получить) хорошие оценки, она (перейти) университет9. Если я (быть) богат, я (никогда / работа) снова.10. Хелен (пост) буквы, если она (есть) некоторые марки.
Angelina Jolie is a 43-year-old American actress and activist.
She isn't tall, her height is 170 cm. She's always been slim, but in her latest photos she looks skinny.
Jolie has got a square-shaped face with a high forehead and high cheekbones. Her straight nose makes her look witty and wise. Her large eyes are blue, although some people believe them to be green. When you look at Angelina's face it is her full lips that catch your attention.
She's got long hair and her natural hair color is dark blonde, but she's kept her hair dark brown since she was five years old.
When she was younger, she was among the most beautiful movie stars in Hollywood, but now, I think, she looks painfully thin.