My house will be Big, We will have 7 Rooms. When i will move ill Tell everyone i am moving. I Will miss My friends But Mostly John, My Best Childhood Friend. If my mom will let me leave my phone number at John's House, I would be really happy because we could talk and not forget ourselves.
1. My house is a big house, Made out of bricks colored into Orange walls.
2. I'm not really sure why but my parents are moving for some reasons they won't tell me.
3. My Friends and Mostly John.
4. My phone number to john so we can talk with him and wont forget ourselves that we were friends from the childhood.
The best trip I’ve ever had in my life was to France. Although it happened two years ago, but I still recall this wonderful time with a great pleasure. I went there with two of my friends and it was really the right decision, because we travelled by coach and the journey took a long time. We were playing cards on the way, singing songs and joking all the time. As we arrived we checked in a hotel not far from the center. We were exhausted but in a good mood.
The first day in Paris was fantastic. It was a bus tour around the city called Open Tour. We got on a bus at the nearest stop. It was amazing that it stopped in front of all sights, so we could get off and walk around the most famous places. We took thousands of photos of Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Arch of Triumph and other monuments. We were impressed by the number of tourists and the beauty of the places we visited. We spent 4 other days in Paris, but this first time our impressions were thrilling.
The next days we visited plenty of museums and had some time for small shopping to buy souvenirs. Last evening we went on a small excursion by boat. It was amazing to be on board and to see all the sights again as if they were saying goodbye to us.
Thus, it was fantastic time and I hope to come back to Paris one day to get the same marvelous emotions there.
Проведя в уме несложную арифметическую операцию, я пришел к изумительному выводу. Дело в том, что мое 25-летие пришлось на 1988 год — самый счастливый год в моей жизни. Во-первых, это был год тысячелетия крещения Руси и радикальных перемен в церковно-общественных отношениях. Во-вторых, я закончил семинарию и поступил в академию; у меня появилась какая-то перспектива в жизни, я понял, что смогу передать полученные знания людям. Кроме того, в этот год у меня не было и быть не могло никаких семейных проблем: семинария находится в монастыре, где я и жил в период учебы. Поэтому я пришел к выводу: у этого экстрасенса явно был советчик, потому что из всех моих 35 тогдашних лет он нашел один, самый счастливый, для того, чтобы ткнуть в него пальцем и сказать, что это он во всем виноват. Думаю, без подсказки из-за левого плеча это было бы невозможно.\