Напишите эссе, как потратить 1 миллион евро. Если бы у вас был 1 миллион евро, что бы вы с ним сделали? Напишите эссе и включите свои идеи. Обоснуйте свой выбор. Не забывайте про абзацы, слова-ссылки, дату.
My parents came home at 7 oclock yesterday. -Did my parents come at home at 7 o'clock yesterday ? -No, my parents didn't come home at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Harry saw his teacher in the park yesterday -Did Harry see his teacher in the park yesterday ? -No, Harry didn't see his teacher in the park yesterday.
Steve did his homework on Saturday. -Did Steve do his homework on saturday ? -No, Steve didn't do his homework on saturday.
The children bought 15 balloons for the party. -Did Children buy 15 ballons for the party ? -No, Children didn't buy 15 ballons for the party.
Tony took his favourite book to the summer. -Did Tony took his favourite book to the summer ? -No, Tony didn't took his favourite book to the summer. Отметь ответ как лучший ) И поблагодари меня
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