3 In this activity you will be graded on capitalization (lowercase and UPPERCASE).
Example: i think james isn't fun. x I think James isn't fun.
I have breakfast at 8.30.
I don't have breakfast at 8.30
We go shopping at the weekend.
My brother spends a lot of time on his computer in the evening
Eva goes to the cinema every Saturday
You get good marks in English!
The teachers give us lots of homework on Fridays
My cousin has a big lunch every day.
happy dog-счастливая собака
noisy wind- шумный ветер
funny people - весёлый человек
new magazine новый журнал
good song - хорошая песня
difficult work- сложная работа
great writer - великий писатель
exciting news - волнующие/захватывающие новости
easy homework - лёгкая Домашняя работа
seriouss argument - серьёзный аргумент
bad wolf - плохой волк
small mouse- Маленькая мышь
boring party-скучная вечеринка
sad day - печальный /грустный день
guiet- сори, я такого слова не знаю
Old shop- старый магазин
awful child ужасный ребенок