1.Australia has beautiful weather all year round for water sports. The country has some of the most incredible beaches and other locations where you can enjoy dozens of water adventure sports. Australia is known for its outdoor lifestyle and water sports are in the best sync with it.
2.The practice of windsurfing is simply controlling the wind while you are balancing yourself on the water. A windsurfing board is usually 2 to 2.5 meters with a sail called rig connected to it which can move to all directions. The size of the sail changes depending on the windsurfing area and the skills of a windsurfer.
3.Water polo is a competitive team sport played in water between two teams of 7 players each. The game consists of four quarters in which the two teams attempt to score goals by throwing the ball into the opposing team's goal. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins the match.
4.American football, referred to simply as football in the United States and Canada and also known as gridiron,[nb 1] is a team sport played by two teams of eleven players on a rectangular field with goalposts at each end. The offense, the team with possession of the oval-shaped football, attempts to advance down the field by running with the ball or passing it, while the defense, the team without possession of the ball, aims to stop the offense's advance and to take control of the ball for themselves.
КАК быть здоровым?
Заполнить пропущенные слова
а) встать, б) руки, в) здоровый, г) упражнения, д) зубы, е) душ, ж) фитнес,
з). маленький, i). много, j). сладкий, k). плохой, 1). дым, m). ложиться спать, n). пустой,
о). пропустить.
1. рано и рано, чтобы поддерживать форму.
2. Принимайте регулярные , чтобы поддерживать форму.
3. Примите прохладную / холодную , чтобы поддерживать форму.
еда для поддержания формы.
5. Никогда держать
6. Умывайтесь каждое утро и каждый
7. Мойте перед едой.
8. Слишком еда делает тебя худым.
9. Слишком
еда делает вас толстым.
10. от еды тебе становится плохо.
11. Слишком много для твоих зубов.
12. Никогда завтрак.
4. Ешьте