3 (Listen to and read the text. What is the writer's purpose: to give information? to entertain readers? to narrate a personal experience? Suggest other headings for each paragraph. Нужно составить свои три вопроса
1) "i do not know the phone number janet." kate said, i do not know, too, 2) "it's nice weather today." kate said, yes it is beautiful 3) "i live not far from the city center." kate said, i live on the outs of town 4) "my mother is a teacher, and his father works in the police." kate said, and my mom chief accountant, and my dad pilot 5) "i have an older brother and a younger sister." kate said, i have 2 sisters only 6) "my grandparents lived not far from my house." kate said, my grandparents living in california 7) "i love going to the movies with my friends." kate said, i like to going with friends to skate 8) "my room is big enough and comfortable." kate said, my little but cozy enough 9) "dogs are very intelligent animals." kate said, i agree with you 10) "my best friend from california." kate said, it's good but my best friend lives in a city where i 11) "my brother and i always visit our grandparents on sundays." kate said, but mines not because they live far away 12) "my favorite colors are red and blue." kate said, and my purple and green 13) "i will never walk in the rain." kate said, and i love to walk in the rain
Mr. Brown hasn't felt well for several days. So he called at the out-patient department of St. Mary's Hospital. Doctor Campbell received him in his office. Doctor: What is the trouble? Brown: I've catched a bad cold. Doctor: You took your temperature? Brown: Yes, I took my temperature before! I left home It was normal Doctor: How long do you feel this way? Brown: I've been ill since Monday. Doctor: You have a headache or a sore throat? Brown: I have both. Doctor: Have You taken anything for your headache yet? Brown: I took aspirin. Doctor: And you cough a lot, do you? Brown: Yes. Doctor: Get on the couch. I have to examine you It's not an ordinary cold. You have flu. I give you two prescriptions which you must take to the chemist's. If you will follow my instructions you feel better in a few days. If you'll not feel better, you have to call for me. Brown: Thank you, doctor.
1)How many shops in London?
2)what is the UK famous dish?
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