Напишите любое предложение об одном, конкретном стихийном явлении в море. Например, лавина. После, распишите об этом явлении. Нужна одна страничка . Иметь перевод, т.к мы будем устно пересказывать всё.
Life on the tiny Carribean island of Antigua has been the same for centuries. The few hundred inhabitants of the island (1) have always lived a quiet life, growing their own vegetables and catching fish. This nearly (2) changed, however, when a group of hotel developers (3) visited the island. They (4) offered to buy the houses and land of the locals so as to build a huge resort. The Antiguans (5) refused to sell. When the hotel developers (6) realised that the islanders wouldn't change their minds, they (7) left and the Antiguans (8) have enjoyed their peaceful lifestyle ever since.
Once, I met my girlfriend Lisa in the park. She was going to the library. She had a few books in her hands. We sat down on a bench. Lisa told me that she had read the book and remembered an interesting story. It was a book by A. Green called "Crimson Sails". It tells a story of a girl named Assol. She lived with her father. They were poor. Gonna dreamt about a prince who would sail up to her in a boat with crimson sails. And one day her dream came true. The prince arrived in a ship with crimson sails and took her to his castle. This way the story ends. I liked the story very much. I went with Lisa to the library and took the book "Crimson Sails".
Life on the tiny Carribean island of Antigua has been the same for centuries. The few hundred inhabitants of the island (1) have always lived a quiet life, growing their own vegetables and catching fish. This nearly (2) changed, however, when a group of hotel developers (3) visited the island. They (4) offered to buy the houses and land of the locals so as to build a huge resort. The Antiguans (5) refused to sell. When the hotel developers (6) realised that the islanders wouldn't change their minds, they (7) left and the Antiguans (8) have enjoyed their peaceful lifestyle ever since.