Тим проснулся позже обычного. Это было воскресенье, и у него было много планов на день. Он чистил зубы в ванной, когда услышал незнакомые голоса с веранды. "Кто бы это мог быть?"-подумал Тим. Когда он вошел в комнату, его мама и две другие женщины мило беседовали, не заметив его. Тим кашлянул, чтобы обратить их внимание на себя. "О, Тим, ты уже проснулся!"-взволновано сказала мама. "Знакомься, мои школьные друзья: Линда и Эмма". Линда ему руку, Эмма улыбнулась и сказала "Рады познакомиться с тобой, Тим. Твоя мама показывала нам твои фотографии, но ты на них гораздо младше. Присоединяйся к нашему чаепитию. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы мы поговорили о наших школьных днях, но у нас есть другие темы для обсуждения с твоей мамой. Это должно заинтересовать тебя тоже". Тим сел за стол. Эмма держала в руках какие-то бумаги, но Тим не смог прочесть, что на них напечатано, - буквы были слишком мелкими.
We live in a world full of different types of pollution. Wanting to make their lives easier people have invented so many new devices and factories, that nature is in danger. Unfortunately, environment is not the unlimited source of resources.
At the moment, our planet suffers from numerous problems and damages. For example, acid rain, which is the result of waste gases from power stations. Such rains cause forest damages. Other big problems are water shortage and the destroying ozone layer. It is all the result of pollution that comes from factories and plants.
Wildlife suffers as well. Many species of animals and plants start to disappear. Another big issue is global warming and green house effect.
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As you can see, there is a long list of environmental problems, which need to be solved. Otherwise, our planet Earth may get fully destroyed. People should start dealing with these problems immediately. The most important thing they can do is to change their attitude towards the environment. First of all, people should switch to alternative forms of power, such as wind power or solar energy. Secondly, the use of nuclear power should be banned. Thirdly, we should start to recycle. It’s the art of turning waste into new products. Other than that, the number of harmful plants should be reduced because they pollute the air and water greatly. It would be a good idea if people started using bicycles instead of cars.
We are obliged to protect nature. If everybody cares, it would make difference.
1. Mother is most ikely to buy me a birthday present.
2. Best friend is always first to call me after a big quarrel.
3. Father is most likely to make me wash hands before dinner.
4. Younger brother is unlikely to ask me about school, because he wants to be self-dependent.
5. Younger sister will not probably play with my old toys, because they are for a boy.
6. English teacher is not supposed to speak French fluently.
7. My grandfather will possibly help me with Mathematics.