1. It's necessary to follow road signs in order to avoid accidents.
2. You should check your answers a few times before passing.
3. The surface was too dirty so we hardly could see something.
4. If you meet dead-end, you shouldn't give up your dreams and goals.
5. There are lots of possible ways out of situation.
6. She was suspected in terrible murder.
7. This girl was cursed by dark witch.
8. She lost her temper because of my silly mistakes.
9. I'm sure that she will come back one day.
10. These thick bushes can probably hide some mystery inside.
Кенгуру — животное, которое имеет две длинные задние лапы, а две передние лапы у него короткие. Хвост у зверька, как и уши, длинный. Благодаря своим ушам, кенгуру может слышать слабые звуки, что немаловажно в дикой природе. Кенгуру — животные, которые живут в Австралии.
A kangaroo is an animal that has two long hind legs and two short front legs. The tail of the animal, like the ears, is long. Thanks to its ears, the kangaroo can hear faint sounds, which is important in the wild. Kangaroos are animals that live in Australia.