1.When is the Edinburgh Military Tattoo held? 2.How many people perform in front of the castle? 3.What music are the performers playing? 4.When did the festival start? 5.Where can you see the best performances from around the world? 6.What is one of the most famous monuments in Edinburgh? 7.Who did the dog belong to? 8.How long did Bobby live near John Grey's grave? 9.Near whom was Bobby buried? 9.What symbol did the statue become? 11.What does the old town contrast with? 12.What is the most beautiful street in the new town?
1) is, it 2) were 3) were, them 4) is, it 5) these, them 6) is 7) are 8) Are, are 9) was, it 10) is, it
Твоя одежда очень хорошая. Кто ее тебе покупает? 2) Новые фиолетовые шорты Алисы, были слишком хороши для пляжа. 3) Чёрные кроссовки были под кроватью, именно поэтому я их не видела. 4) Питр, где твоя красная футболка? Я постираю ее со своей одеждой 5) мне нравятся эти зеленые и белые носки. Можно ли мне их купить? 6) Моя новая пижама очень тёплая и удобная. 7) Мои любимые чёрные туфли мне малы. Мне так жаль! 8) Твои джинсы светлые или темные? Мои темно-серые 9) Его тёплая куртка висела на крючке в коридоре. Он не надел Ее в школу 10) Это бело-розовая ночная рубашка отличный подарок для Анны. Я уверен, ей понравится.
It was the birthday of Dudley. Harry woke up early in the morning so that he could look after the bacon roasting on the dessert while Dudley was looking at his gifts. He was indignant that there were only 37 of them. On holidays, Harry was left with a neighbor, but this time she broke her leg and harry took with them to the zoo. Dudley tried to wake up the boa constrictor, but he did not react at all. When Dudley left, Harry tried to speak and he understood every word. PEARS (friend dudley) immediately saw that the python woke up and called for Dudley. They cling to the glass and it suddenly disappears. And the snake creeps out into the wild. Pierce tells the dorsley that he heard Harry and the snake talk, after which Harry was punished.
2.How many people perform in front of the castle?
3.What music are the performers playing?
4.When did the festival start?
5.Where can you see the best performances from around the world?
6.What is one of the most famous monuments in Edinburgh?
7.Who did the dog belong to?
8.How long did Bobby live near John Grey's grave?
9.Near whom was Bobby buried?
9.What symbol did the statue become?
11.What does the old town contrast with?
12.What is the most beautiful street in the new town?