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Выпиши предложения в будущем времени. Какие из них записаны в форме настоящего продолжительного времени?
(запиши в скобках Present Continuous)
- Hello, my friend. How are you today?
- I am fine. Thank you very much.
- Say! What are you doing this weekend?
- I am having a party with my uncle. Why? - Because I am going to the cinema. Do you want to come? - No. Thank you. I don't like the cinema.
- O'k. I understand.
- What are you doing next week?
- I am visiting my grandmother.
- She is having her birthday celebration.
- Wow! That sounds like fun. - Can I go? I like birthdays.
- I don't think so.
- Why not? Is there a problem?
- Actually yes. There is a problem. - What is the problem? Your grandmother is meeting new people.
- My grandmother doesn't like new people. She doesn't like strangers.
- Sorry!
Hollywood is famous for it cinema so maybe I will see actors and actresses there!
There are a lot of interesting places that are not parts of cinematograph too! For example If I were in Hollywood, I would go to Brodvey - there are so much musicals! Of corse Empire State Building is place must visit in this city too. And legend of USA (so legend of Hollywood too) is Statue of Liberty - every tourist has to see it. Certainly I want to walk in Times Square - the most famous park of Hollywood!
In my opinion I wrote many reasons to visit Hollywood, did I?