1. his pride drove him to complete the job.
гордость заставила его закончить работу.
2.we considered her to be our friend.
мы считали её своим другом.
3.then i found another one and another one, and i realized it's a path. i should follow them.
потом я нашел еще один и еще я понялэто была тропа и я пошел по ней.
4.— because his condition does not warrant it.
потому, что его состояние не позволяет этого.
5.you're looking very lovely this morning.
ты выглядишь так прекрасно в это утро.
6.cover up their tent.
прикрой свою палатку.
7.everything is set.
все готово.
8.take things a mite easier. enjoy your life.
не волноваться, наслаждаться жизнью.
9.just let her know i'm all right.
передайте ей, что со мной всё хорошо.
1. My uncle said he had just come back from the Caucasus.
2. He said he had spent a fortnight in the Caucasus.
3. He said it had done him a lot of good.
4. He said he felt better at that moment.
5. He said his wife and he had spent most of their time on the beach.
6. He said they had done a lot of sightseeing.
7. He said he had a good camera.
8. He said he had taken many photographs while travelling in the Caucasus.
9. He said he would come to see us next Sunday.
10. He said he would bring and show us the photographs he had taken during his stay in the Caucasus.