1.3.3. Rewrite the sentences using the verbs in the Past Simple and the P Perfect. Add the necessary words.
1) I often lose my keys.
I lost my keys yesterday.
I have lost my keys again.
2) We watch the film together.
3) They do not learn poems by heart.
4) Does she cook pizza?
5) Do you like the workshop?
6) The teacher gives us interesting tasks.
7) He doesn't prepare for the lesson well.
Свифт получил от мальчика урок в том что мир познаваем называется в философии гностицизм. Swift got from the boy a lesson that the world can be known which in philosophy is called Gnosticism.
Нельзя быть грубым по отношению к другим людям. You can't be rude to other people.
У мальчика есть манеры вежливости, но он еще совсем юн и не умеет преподносить вещи так как хотелось бы Свифту. The boy has manners of politeness, but he is still very young and does not know how to present things as Swift would like.
Хотя Свифт оценил ответ мальчика положительно и поблагодарил его дав ему за это корону. Though Swift appreciated the boy's answer positively and thanked him giving him a crown for it.
Свифт понимает, что он еще совсем маленький мальчик и свой опыт и свои знания он обретет со временем. Swift understands that he is still a very young boy and his experience and knowledge he will gain over time.