можешь с переводом написать потому что не очень хорошо знаю английский
1. 1) - e.
2) - c.
3) - g.
4) - i.
5) - b.
6) - j.
7) - а.
8) - h.
9) - d.
10) - f.
2) In history, we learnt that people travelled to new places where they needed to find food.
3) Is that the friend who sent you that lovely birthday card?
4) I met George when we went on our school trip to the factory. He's really funny!
5) Helen met Katy at the museum where you can study old paintings.
6) In the past, people cooked on fires which kept them warm in winter too.
7) Was it Betty or Sarah who gave you that large box of chocolates?
8) The building where we live has a garden on it's roof. I love going up there!
Match the pictures and the correct sentences.
7 a You can catch buses here.
5 b This large building is a factory.
2 c Grown-ups can study here.
9 d This interesting place is a museum.
1 e This flat is at the top of the building.
10 f You can stay here on holiday.
3 g This chemist is in my road.
8 h You can buy stamps and send letters in this place.
4 i I like going to this store.
6 j This house has a new roof.
Complete the sentences with which, when, where or who.
1 We are going to visit the market which is next to the railway station now.
2 In history, we learnt that people travelled to new places where they needed to find food.
3 Is that the friend who sent you that lovely birthday card?
4 I met George when we went on our school trip to the factory. He's really funny!
5 Helen met Katy at the museum where you can study old paintings.
6 In the past, people cooked on fires which kept them warm in winter too.
7 Was it Betty or Sarah who gave you that large box of chocolates?
8 The building where we live has a garden on its roof. I love going up there!
ответ:Technological devices are used everywhere: by young learners and students, by engineers and doctors, by teachers and scientists. We have a great variety of digital electronic devices, such as cellphones, smartphones, video cameras and computers. But we should never forget about disadvantages that all these wonderful things have brought into the world.
I am a journalist, and I am writing for an independent youth magazine "Watch Out!". I have to express my opinion on the following: "The modern world relies on technological devices too much".
In my opinion, we are relying on these devices too much, we have forgotten about face-to-face communication, writing letters, etc. Just ask yourself: have you got together with your friends and family recently? How have your friends reacted to your new dress or hairstyle? How often do you go to the park? Do you know who your new neighbors are? Can you live without the Internet for a day? If you can't answer these questions, there is a simple explanation.
You are too much addicted to your gadgets and devices, you have got friends, but they are your Facebook friends. Your good mood depends on the number of likes given by your "friends" there. You prefer staying online and surfing the Internet to going out and spending a quiet afternoon in the park.
"Watch Out!" encourages the readers to be more sociable and realistic, and wishes everyone a merry Christmas!