1. William Shakespeare had good fortune. Other babies died, but he did not. He was lucky.
2. The plague was a terrible disease. It was a sickness that passed from one person to another.
3. Shakespeare wrote plays , and he and his friends acted in them at the theatre.
4. Shakespeare wrote very well. He had a special ability. He was a genius.
5. Shakespeare got older. He stopped working and retired.
6. Shakespeare's wife had two children born at the same time. She had twins.
7. Shakespeare wrote about ideas and emotions. The writing had short lines and few words. He wrote poems.
250g flour,
1 teaspoon baking powder,
100g sour cream,
150g butter
Filling of the pie (начинка пирога)
200g sour cream
220g sugar
1 egg
2-3 table spoons of flour
1-1,2 kg of apples
1 teaspoon sugar powder
½ teaspoon of cinnamon
1. Mix flour with baking powder and cold butter.
2. Add sour cream and mix.
3. Put the dough in the fridge for an hour
4. Mix sour cream, sugar, eggs and flour.
5. Peel apples and cut into small pieces.
6. Put butter in a bowl. (миска, все-таки блюдо не очень глубокое для замешивания теста)
7. Put the dough in the bowl with the very thin layer.
8. Put apples in the bowl. Then pour sour cream mixed wuth sugar, eggs and flour.
9. Preheat the oven to 180 C.
10. Put the bowl in the oven and bake for 1 hour.
11. Sprinkle cooked pie with cinnamon and powdered sugar