1.Образуйте вопрос от предложения: There is some sugar in my tea.
Is there some sugar in my tea?
2.Образуйте вопрос от предложения: There are no children in the class now
Are there any children in the class now?
3.Вставьте пропущенное слово: there is any jam on the plate.
4.Вставьте пропущенное слово: There is a bed near the window.
5.Вставьте пропущенное слово: There is an orange pillow on the sofa.
6.Вставьте пропущенное слово: There are curtains on the window.
7.Вставьте пропущенное слово: There are a dining table, a chair and many flowers in the dining room.
8.Вставьте пропущенное слово: Are there many buildings in the neighbourhood?
Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich (1799-1837), the great Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, publicist, critic. Born on May 26 (June 6) in Moscow, in the German settlement. Brought up by French tutors, he learned from home teaching only an excellent knowledge of French and a love of reading. In 1811 Pushkin entered the newly opened Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. After graduating from the Lyceum in June 1817, with the rank of collegiate secretary, Pushkin was assigned to serve in the Collegium of Foreign Affairs, where he did not work even a day, completely devoting himself to creativity. The poems "Freedom", "To Chaadaev", "Village", "On Arakcheeva" belong to this period.
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2. I congratulate you with the victory! Very nice of you! How did you do it? What did you do? I wonder, how tough was it?