Harry buys all required textbooks and supplies for school. When he bought the gown, met Draco Malfoy. This arrogant blonde type just did not like Harry. Going into the shop sticks Ollivander, Harry came to another interesting situation - his wand with a feather of the Phoenix was the sister of the other sticks! (As it turned out - coli Volan de mort). On the way back, Harry received a gift from Hagrid owl - Hedwig. The next day Harry with a huge suitcase and cage stood on king's Cross and tried to find platform nine and three quarters. Helped him in this red-haired Weasley family. The youngest Weasley also went to Hogwarts for the first time, and Harry got himself a new friend on the go. His name was Ron. Once on the desired platform Harry tried to find an empty compartment - he was irritated whispers and glances that followed him. On the train Harry sanochnitsa with Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom. Arriving at school, Harry was very nervous. On the distribution of faculties, he whispered, "not Slytherin!" And the hat put him in Gryffindor. The school year started badly - Severus Snape, the potions teacher, mad at Harry. But the lesson of flying on a broomstick, Harry showed aerobatics, catching a Reminder Neville. Saw it Mcgonnagal enrolled him in command of the Gryffindor Quidditch seeker... (to be continued...)
I live in a very old town which is surrounded (Present Indefinite) by beautiful woods. On Sundays many people walk in the woods. Visitors are asked (Present Indefinite) to keep the woods clean. Litter baskets have been placed (Present Perfect) under the trees. Yesterday I went to the woods. What I saw there made me sad. The litter baskets were empty and the ground was covered (Past Indefinite) with pieces of paper. Among the paper and rubbish was found (Past Indefinite) a sign which said that those who leave litter in the woods will be prosecuted (Future Indefinite).
On the way back, Harry received a gift from Hagrid owl - Hedwig.
The next day Harry with a huge suitcase and cage stood on king's Cross and tried to find platform nine and three quarters. Helped him in this red-haired Weasley family. The youngest Weasley also went to Hogwarts for the first time, and Harry got himself a new friend on the go. His name was Ron. Once on the desired platform Harry tried to find an empty compartment - he was irritated whispers and glances that followed him.
On the train Harry sanochnitsa with Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom.
Arriving at school, Harry was very nervous. On the distribution of faculties, he whispered, "not Slytherin!" And the hat put him in Gryffindor. The school year started badly - Severus Snape, the potions teacher, mad at Harry. But the lesson of flying on a broomstick, Harry showed aerobatics, catching a Reminder Neville. Saw it Mcgonnagal enrolled him in command of the Gryffindor Quidditch seeker... (to be continued...)