Расшифруй слово и найди такое же . 1. reas a)small 2. esey ) hair 3.touhm с) eyes 4. ones d) dark 5.lsalm ) fair 6.) puppet 7.rhia ) big 8.) ears 9. i) mouth 10.) nose
USA is located on the continent of North America. The country is divided into three parts: the Continental hotel is located in the center of the continent, the Peninsula of Alaska and Hawaii. The geographical position of the United States: from the East by the Atlantic ocean, on the South waters of the Caribbean sea, or rather in its waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Pacific coast country bordered on the West and South-West. The Arctic ocean on the Alaskan Peninsula to the North and North-West. The Hawaiian Islands are located at a distance of about 4000км from the mainland in the Pacific ocean. On Attalos Hawaiian Islands the highest active volcanoes in the world. если поставь коронку(как лучший ответ
1)1 on 2 at 3 in 4for 5from 2)1When she does go to school? 2what is your favourite holidays? 3how many have you toys do? 4 has he a brother got? 5 Can she swim in the river? 3)1does he run well? 2do you eat cakes? 3can you run? 4 is he has 7 years old? 5 has he a dog? 4)1 they mustn`t sit 2he doesn`t sleep well 3 we haven`t got a hen 4 I am not big 5 mum hasn`t got a son 6 students are not clever 7 a dog cannot run 8the parrot is not funny 9pupils cannot read 10she doesn`t read books often 5)1 b 2 a 3 b 4a 6) 7)men,toys,feet,potatoes,sweets,mice,cities,dresses,cabbage,oranges