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Match the following English expressions with their Russian equivalents: 1. evidence in the case а) вещественное доказательство
2. evidence on oath b) давать показания, представить
3. to give/offer/introduce/ produce evidence дока зательства с) доказательства вины; улики
4. to plant evidence d) доказательства или показания
5. to weigh evidence по делу
6. to withhold evidence е) доказательства, показания, полученные с нарушением
7, evidence wrongfully закона
obtained f) доказательство из первых рук
8- evidence of guilt g) заключение эксперта
9, circumstantial evidence h) косвенное доказательство
10- conclusive/ decisive I) лжесвидетельство
11. expert evidence j) ложное доказательство, показание
12. false evidence к) недостаточное доказательство
13. first hand evidence 1) неопровержимое
14. insufficient evidence доказательство
15. irrefutable evidence т) окончательное, решающее доказательство
16. perjured evidence п) оценить доказательства
17. physical evidence о) показания под присягой
р) скрыть доказательства
q) сфабриковать доказательства



The abolition of capital punishment in England in November 1965 was welcomed by most people with humane and progressive ideas. To them it seemed a departure from feudalism, from the cruel pre-Christian spirit of revenge: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Many of these people think differently now. Three unarmed policemen have been killed in London by bandits who shot them down in cold blood. This crime has drawn attention to the fact that since, the abolition of capital punishment crime - and especially murder - has been on increase throughout Britain. Today, therefore, public opinion in Britain has changed. People who before, also in Parliament, stated that capital punishment was not a deterrent to murder - for there have always been murders in all countries with or without the law of execution - now feel that killing the assassin is the lesser of two evils. Capital punishment, they think, may not be the ideal answer, but it is better than nothing, especially when, as in England, a sentence of "lifelong" imprisonment (a life sentence, as it is called) only lasts eight or nine years.

+All this is very controversial. And all the arguments for and against can be refuted in practice. The problem remains - the problem of how to prevent .murders. Some murders are committed by criminals evading arrest, by insane or mentally disturbed people, by cold-blooded sadists completely devoid of all human feelings. The important thing in the prevention of murder is to eliminate as far as possible the weapons and instruments, the guns and knives, with which these crimes are committed, and furthermore to stop the dangerous influence of violence in books, films, television and other mass media, from which so many criminals derive their "inspiration".Murder

The abolition of capital punishment in England in November 1965 was welcomed by most people with humane and progressive ideas. To them it seemed a departure from feudalism, from the cruel pre-Christian spirit of revenge: an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

Many of these people think differently now. Three unarmed policemen have been killed in London by bandits who shot them down in cold blood. This crime has drawn attention to the fact that since, the abolition of capital punishment crime - and especially murder - has been on increase throughout Britain. Today, therefore, public opinion in Britain has changed. People who before, also in Parliament, stated that capital punishment was not a deterrent to murder - for there have always been murders in all countries with or without the law of execution - now feel that killing the assassin is the lesser of two evils. Capital punishment, they think, may not be the ideal answer, but it is better than nothing, especially when, as in England, a sentence of "lifelong" imprisonment (a life sentence, as it is called) only lasts eight or nine years.

+All this is very controversial. And all the arguments for and against can be refuted in practice. The problem remains - the problem of how to prevent .murders. Some murders are committed by criminals evading arrest, by insane or mentally disturbed people, by cold-blooded sadists completely devoid of all human feelings. The important thing in the prevention of murder is to eliminate as far as possible the weapons and instruments, the guns and knives, with which these crimes are committed, and furthermore to stop the dangerous influence of violence in books, films, television and other mass media, from which so many criminals derive their "inspiration".


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Давайте посмотрим, что можно сказать на тему «Любимое блюдо» на английском языке, используя вышеперечисленные слова. Чтобы выразить своё предпочтение можно использовать такие слова как like (нравится, любить), prefer (предпочитать).

My favorite dish is fried potatoes with mushrooms. – Моё любимое блюдо жареная картошка с грибами.

I don’t like eating soup, I prefer rice with vegetables or mushed potato. – Мне не нравится есть суп, я предпочитаю рис с овощами или картофельное пюре.

I like to eat a sandwich or a salad in the morning. – Мне нравится съесть утром салат или бутерброд.

I like to try different salads. – Я люблю пробовать разные салаты.

My mom likes to cook borsch and a vegetable soup, they became my favorite dishes since I was a child. – Моя мама любит готовить борщ и овощной суп, они стали моей любимой едой с тех пор, как я был ребёнком.

I like to eat an omelet or a fried egg for breakfast. – Мне нравится позавтракать омлетом или яичницей.

I prefer eating fried fish than cutlets or meatballs. – Я предпочитаю есть жареную рыбу, чем котлеты или тефтели.

My favorite dish is meat dumplings with sour cream, I cook them quite often. – Моё любимое блюдо – это пельмени со сметаной, я готовлю их довольно часто.

I like to eat some fruits in the morning, they have many necessary vitamins. – Я люблю есть на завтрак фрукты, в них содержится много необходимых витаминов.

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At weekends I often go shopping with my parents. We visit the nearest hypermarket and some other stores in the same building. This hypermarket, which is called “Lenta”, is my favourite shop, because we can find all the necessary things in one place. We buy fresh food, presents, stationery, household appliances and many other items there. Last week we bought swimming suits and sandals for the beach holiday. We also bought a new vacuum-cleaner, as the old one broke down. As you see, hypermarket offers a wide range of products. My parents say that there weren’t any supermarkets and hypermarkets in their childhood. They had to go to several places to buy various products. They have lots of advantages. First of all, you can buy everything you need at one place. Secondly, hypermarkets often offer discounts or sales opportunities. Thirdly, I like the shopping carts in hypermarkets. They are of great help when we buy lots of things. In the same building there is an exchange booth, a chemist’s, a dry-cleaner’s and a travel agency. In case we have heavy bags, we call a taxi to come and pick us up.

В выходные я часто хожу по магазинам с моими родителями. Заезжаем в ближайший гипермаркет и некоторые другие магазины в этом же здании. Это гипермаркет, который называется “лента”, это мой любимый магазин, потому что мы можем найти все необходимые вещи в одном месте. Мы покупаем свежие продукты, подарки, канцтовары, бытовую технику и многие другие предметы.  На неделе мы купили купальники и сандалии для пляжного отдыха. Мы тоже купили новый пылесос, так как старый сломался. Как вы видите, гипермаркет предлагает широкий ассортимент товаров. Мои родители говорят, что не было никаких супермаркетов и гипермаркетов в детстве. Они должны были пройти в нескольких местах, чтобы купить различные продукты. Они имеют много преимуществ. Во-первых, вы можете купить все необходимое в одном месте. Во-вторых, гипермаркеты часто предлагают скидки или распродажи возможностей. В-третьих, мне нравится тележками в гипермаркетах. Они являются большим подспорьем, когда мы покупаем много вещей. В этом же здании есть пункт обмена валют, аптека, химчистка и туристическое агентство. В случае, если у нас есть тяжелые сумки, мы вызываем такси, чтобы приехать и забрать нас.

Можешь что-то переделать, что вы не изучали.
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