Form 7 ___ Name Summative assessment for the unit “Entertainment and Media”
Read the text carefully and do the tasks.
Hi! My name is Marco. Do you like movies? I do. I like movies very much. Everyone in my family likes movies too.
My family watches movies in different ways. Sometimes we go to the cinema to watch movies. Sometimes we watch movies at home. When we watch movies at home, we see then on DVDs. We also watch movies from the Internet.
My favorite movies are action movies. I like exciting things and action movies are exciting. My sister likes to watch movies also. She does not like the same kind of movies that I like. She likes movies that are funny. My father likes to watch movies about real things and real people. These kinds of movies are called documentaries. My mother is different from all of us. She likes all kinds of movies.
Last week we watched an old movie. It was called “The Sound of Music.” It was about a family living in Austria. They were very good singers. In the movie, the mother died. The father and the children needed a new mother. The family was also in some danger. At the end of the movie the family was safe and they got a new mother. I liked the movie because it had a happy ending.
Task 1. Answer the question
1. What kind of movies does Marco like?
2. Why did Marco like the movie he watched last week?
Task 2. Circle the correct option.
3. Marco’s family only watches movies in the cinema.
True False
4. Everyone in Marco’s family likes movies.
True False
5. Marco’s family saw «The Sound of Music» last year. True False
6. «The Sound of Music» is the name of a movie.
True False
8 points
Task Write a review about the film you have recently seen. Use linking words and connectors in sentences to make some coherent paragraphs. You can use prompts for your answer.
Write the name, actors, genre
Write about acting, music, colour/animation, special effects
Write why you like this film or do not like
Write the reason why you recommend the film or not
5 points
Total 13
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