ex. 1
1. We were lucky. There were two more episodes on the DVD.
2. Where was your camera?
3. Mark was tired, so he didn't watch the end of the show.
4. Were there any good programmes on TV last night?
5. The first episode wasn't in 2009. It was in 2010.
6. The presenters weren't on yesterday's programme.
7. How old were the participants?
8. Were there many people in the audience?
ex. 2
1. There were two channels without adverts.
2. Was there a new character in the show this week?
3. Was the remote control next to the TV?
4. Were you in the audience?
5. There wasn't a new presenter in this series.
6. It was a new series.
7. Who where the participants in Big Brother?
8. There weren't many TV broadcasts in the 1940s.
1) If the world was flat it would stand on three whales.
2) If we were all clones we all could look equally.
3) If you had two head you would be more smart.
4) If time travel was possible I would see the future.
5) If nobody knew how to read we couldn't get and transmit knowledges.
6) If animals could speak it would be interesting to hear their thoughts.
7) If money grew on trees all people would be rich.
8) If there was no money an exchange of goods would be dificult.
9) If everyone was telepathic nobody could lie.
1) Если бы мир был плоским, он бы стоял на трех китах.
2) Если бы мы все были клонами, мы все могли бы выглядеть одинаково.
3) Если бы у вас было две головы, вы были бы умнее.
4) Если бы путешествие во времени было возможно, я бы увидел будущее.
5) Если бы никто не умел читать, мы не могли бы получать и передавать знания.
6) Если бы животные могли говорить, было бы интересно услышать их мысли.
7) Если бы деньги росли на деревьях, все люди были бы богаты.
8) Если бы не было денег, обмен товарами был бы затруднен.
9) Если бы все были телепатами, никто не мог бы лгать.