LION 4 fortress stay world church town arrange founded favourite sound worth turn port forecast fall bird ancient short house now [5:] [3:] [av] [er] turn port tomona Sta bird forecast. now perange fortress lancient Shot world I worts founded town favourite 79 Read the words in the box and put them into the correct column.
1. Alexander Pushkin is famous for being Russia's greatest poet,novelist and playwright. 2. Pushkin was born on June 6, 1799 in Moscow. 3. He got his education from the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoye Selo. 4. Pushkin began writing when he was only six years old. 5. His first poem was published in the journal The Messenger of Europe in 1814 when he was fifteen years old. 6. There are many famous works written by Pushkin such as Ruslan and Ludmila, The Captain's Daughter, Eugene Onegin, and many more. 7. The Captain's Daughter novel was set in Russia during the reign of Catherine the Great at the time of Pugachev's Rebellion in 1773–1774. 8. In this novel he described the life of an honourable man Pyotr Andreyich Grinyov, who was sent into military service by his father. There he met his captain's daughter Masha and fell in love with her but this caused a rift between Pyotr and his fellow officer Shvabrin. Later on during Pugachev's Rebellion, Pyotr was accused of having friendly relations with Pugachev because Shvabrin testified that Pyotr was a traitor. Pyotr was imprisoned because of that accusation but later was set free because Masha managed to convince Empress Catherine the Great of his innocence. Basically, the novel romanticised account of Pugachev's Rebellion and described the importance of honour and loyalty. 9. Pushkin died on January 29, 1837 at the age of thirty-seven. 10. He was honoured by his contemporaries for being a remarkable novelist. 11. Yes, they are still very popular.
PAST PROGRESSIVE. 1. My father was watching an interesting programme on TV, while I was reading for the examination. 2. We were playing the chess when the telephone rang. 3. My parents were having an unpleasant conversation when I came into their room. 4. Yesterday I was trying to beat the computer at chess all evening. 5. In the zoo the lions were being fed from 8.00 till 8.30 in the morning. 6. While we were having a swim in the lake, Mary was preparing a pleasant surprise for us. 7. When we were playing football, I suddenly broke my leg. 8. My mother was sewing a dress when our plumber knocked at the door. 9. When we were hopelessly losing the match, she gave me a smile. 10. I was writing a newspaper article while my wife was having a rest in the garden. PAST SIMPLE. 1. We graduated from the Institute in 1987. 2. My friend went to England to work for a probationary period three months ago. 3. I was on holiday in Bulgaria two weeks ago. 4. A friend of mine wrote a new operating system two months ago. 5. I was fond of swimming two years ago. 6. Tom forgot to remind me of the forthcoming lecture at Moscow State University yesterday. 7. I ate an apple, drank a glass of lemonade and went to school. 8. I wrote three novels last year. 9. I saw a lion in the zoo yesterday. 10. She was my bride in 1999.
[ ɔ: ]fortress, port, forecast, shot, fall
[ɜ:] world, church, worth, turn, bird
[ au ] town, founded, sound, now, house
[ eı ] stay, arrange, favourite, ancient,famous